Cultural Resource Specialist 4
- Employer
- Location
- Lake Grove, Oregon
- Closing date
- Feb 20, 2024
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- Position Type
- Cultural Resource Management
- Discipline
- Cultural Anthropology
- Hours
- Full Time
- Organization Type
- Business
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For the past 60 years, DOWL has been recognized as an established, highly reputable, civil engineering firm, recognizing that the foundation of our past, present, and our future is our people. DOWL's foundation is built upon four core values: Inclusion, Integrity, Innovation, and Inspiration. These values are rooted in everything we do. As a valued partner on our engineering team, you will be one of the People Who Make It Happen!
Are you a Subject Matter Expert in the field of Cultural Resources Management (CRM)? Do you have in-depth knowledge of the Pacific Northwest? We are looking for a senior-level Cultural Resources Specialist to work closely with our Cultural Resources Management staff and leadership. This position will help drive and grow DOWL's Cultural Resources Management work by providing expert knowledge and skills to our clients in the Pacific Northwest.
This is a full-time position supporting DOWL's Environmental Sub-Practice Area. This position is supervised and directed by senior-level cultural resources management (CRM) staff and will serve as one of DOWL's Subject Matter Experts in the field of CRM in the region this work will be performed (i.e. Pacific Northwest, Mountain West, Southwest) . The incumbent must have an advanced degree (e.g., M.A., M.S., or Ph.D.) in anthropology, archaeology, CRM, architectural history, or other closely related field and must have specialized training and experience working in CRM and in-depth knowledge of the region where this work will be performed (i.e. Pacific Northwest, Mountain West, Southwest).
This position provides mid- to upper-level cultural resources support to DOWL's internal and external clients, including a full spectrum of proposal writing, research, fieldwork, resource documentation, report preparation, public involvement, and agency and tribal coordination services in the area of environmental documentation as required by the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA).
The position requires a high degree of effective organization and communication skills. Required tasks may include designing, executing, and synthesizing the results of systematic background research and data assembly; conducting cultural resource inventory and documentation (including fieldwork); carrying out or assisting in monitoring, survey, and/or testing of known cultural resource sites; performing lab work and managing field data; producing small- and moderate-scale cultural resource reports; drafting sections or portions for broader CRM or other reporting efforts; assembling lists of tribal nations, stakeholders, and consulting parties; arranging and participating in cultural resources consultation meetings; and preparing correspondence specific to cultural resource investigations and other CRM activities. In addition to the above, tasks may include managing project budgets, schedules, and deliverables, survey crews and their field data, and client interactions. This position is responsible for complex tasks which may be sensitive in nature, requires the use of independent judgment in problem-solving, planning, scheduling and completing assigned projects, and involves the supervision and mentoring of junior staff. A Cultural Resource Specialist 4 should have a progressively responsible 10 plus years track as a CRM professional.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities include the following:
- Assist with Environmental Sub-Practice Area management, including business planning activities, marketing, quality control of documents, coordination of workload amongst staff members, screening of resumes and interviews of candidates, mentoring / supervision of junior level staff, and development of standard operating procedures, templates, etc. Carries out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the organization's policies and applicable laws.
- Participate in and lead multi-faceted cultural resource projects for both public and private sector clients. Carry out hands-on work in the areas of conducting cultural resources research and document review, preliminary assessments, cultural resources planning, and preparation of NEPA and NHPA documentation, and state and federal cultural resources investigation permit applications.
- Coordinate with state and federal resource agencies, clients, staff and other professionals to obtain project information and secure NEPA and NHPA document approvals.
- Excellent communications skills (both verbal and written) are required.
- Schedule, coordinate, and participate in or lead public and agency meetings, including presentations in front of large groups of people.
- Access, research, synthesize, and present data from restricted-access cultural resource databases maintained by state historic preservation offices in the regions where the projects are located. (i.e. Pacific Northwest, Mountain West, Southwest).
- Support client consultation with agencies, tribal nations, and other consulting parties.
- Develop, negotiate, and/or implement Memoranda of Agreement and Programmatic Agreements.
- Maintain organized records of research activities and results, sources, and document versions.
- Research and prepare proposals.
- Prepare and edit reports of on the cultural resource data derived from projects or contribute to larger reports. Excellent writing skills are critical.
- Prepare and route project-related correspondence and record keeping.
- Interact and help to guide other employees, including project AutoCAD drafters, GIS, document production staff, and graphics technicians.
- Organize and lead field studies in support of cultural resources studies, including planning and implementing fieldwork logistics and effectively directing other field staff.
- Assist in preparing scopes of work, budgets, schedules and other project management tasks.
- Consistently exercise discretion and judgment in all work tasks.
- Other duties may be assigned.
Superv i sory R espon s i b i l i t i es
Supe r v i s e s a t eam of C u lt u r al R es o u r c es S pe c i a li s t s ( f r om i n t e r n t o l e v el 3) . R espo n s i b l e f o r t he o v e r a l l d ir e c t i on, coo r d i n a t i on, a n d e v a l ua t i on o f t h i s u n i t . C a r r i es out sup e r v i so r y r e sp ons i b i l i t i e s i n acc o r da n ce w it h t he o r g an i z a t i on ' s po li c i e s and ap p l i ca b l e l a w s. R e spon s i b i l i t i es i n c l ude i n t e rv i e w i n g , h ir i n g , and t r a i n i ng e m p l o y ees; p l an n i n g , a s s i g n i n g , and d ir e c t i ng w o rk ; app r a i s i ng p e rf o r m anc e ; r e w a r d i ng and d i s c i p l i n i ng e m p l o y ees; ad d r e s s i ng co m p l a i n t s and r e s o l v i ng p r o b l e m s.
Q ua li fi c a t i ons
T o b e s u c c ess f ul i n t h i s po s i t i on, an i n d i v i du a l m ust be a b l e t o p e r f o r m each e sse n t i al du t y sa t i s f a c t o r il y . T he r eq u i r e m en t s l i s t ed b e l ow a r e r e p r e s en t a ti v e o f t h e k no w l ed g e, s k ill , and / or a b i l i t y r eq u ir ed . R eason a b l e ac c o m m oda ti o ns m ay be m ade t o en a b l e i nd i v i du a l s wi t h d i s ab i l i t i es t o p e rf o r m t he e s se n ti a l f un c ti o n s.
E duca t i on and / or E x per i e nce
W i l l m eet and ex c eed t h e U S Sec r e t a r y of t he I n t e r i o r ' s P r o f es s i on a l Q u a l i fi c a t i ons S t an d a r d s i n c l ud i n g:
- An advanced degree (e.g., M.A., M.S., or Ph.D.) in anthropology, archaeology, CRM, architectural history, or other closely related field is required.
- If a candidate's advanced degree is in a field other than anthropology, archaeology, CRM, or architectural history, the incumbent must demonstrate ability to contribute subject matter expertise in their field and have qualifying experience as defined below.
- Will have specialized training and experience working in CRM in the Northwest.
- A minimum of t e n y ea r s of p r o g r e s s i v e l y r e s pon s i b l e CRM p r o j ect ex p e r i ence i n c l u d i ng , but not limited to, f i e l d s u r v e ys , s it e t e s t i n g and exca v a t i on, ethnographic research, a r t i f ac t i de n t i f i ca t i on and a na l y s i s, archival r es e a r c h, and r e po r t p r e pa r a t i on.
C er t i f i ca t es, L i ce n ses, R e g i s t ra t i ons
- Successful candidates will have existing access (or will be able to gain access within 30 days after hire) to restricted cultural resources databases maintained by state historic preservation offices.
- Successful candidates will have a valid, existing consultant qualification with the Department of Transportation in the region where this work is performed (i.e., ODOT, WADOT, AKDOT, MDOT, etc.) (or will be able to gain their qualification within 30 days after hire).
- Mu s t ha v e a v a l i d d r i v er ' s l i ce n se a nd a g ood d ri v i ng r eco r d .
Ma t h e m a t i cal S k i l l s
A b i l it y t o a dd, s u b t r a c t , m u l t i p l y , and d i v i de i n a l l un it s of m easu r e, u s i ng w ho l e n u m be r s, co m m on fr a c ti o ns, and d e c i m a l s. A b i l it y t o c r e a t e and i n t e r p r et g r aphs.
Job K n o w l edg e , Sk i l l s a n d A b il i t i es
- Demonstrated professional competency equivalent to the education, training, and experience that includes and exceeds the standards required for DOWL Cultural Resource Specialist I-III positions. Shows ability to design, supervise, and implement multi-phased cultural resource projects.
- K nowledge of federal cultural resource legislation, including the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969; g ene r a l f a m ili a r i t y w it h cultural resource r e g u l a ti ons, and sp e c i a l s t udy a r e a s r e l a t i ng t o archaeology and c u lt u r a l r eso u r c e s, and the Secretary of the Interior's Standards.
- Knowledge of federal, state, local, and tribal policies and guidelines relating to cultural resources identification standards, consultation methods, and other relevant procedures relating to cultural resource management.
- Knowledge of state cultural resource and environmental laws within the Pacific Northwest .
- Experience accessing, querying, synthesizing, and presenting data from restricted-access cultural resource databases maintained by state historic preservation offices.
- Professional-level knowledge in at least one cultural resource subject matter area (including anthropology, archaeology, architectural history, history, etc.) gained through an academic degree program or its equivalent and demonstrated ability to accomplish research and conduct survey and inventory work in the area of the incumbent's discipline specialty.
- Demonstrated ability to work effectively with other cultural resource professionals and specialists, amateur and professional organizations, and to be an effective member of multi-disciplinary team efforts and projects.
- Demonstrated managerial/supervisory experience with cultural resources and demonstrated knowledge of cultural resource management and historic preservation laws and policies.
- Administrative, project review, or supervisory experience in an historic preservation program or office (academic institution, historical organization or agency, museum, consulting firm, or similar professional institution) with an emphasis on and related to material culture, historic properties, or the built environment of the region for this work (i.e., Pacific Northwest, Southwest, or Mountain West).
- Pu b li c i n v o l v e m ent s k il l s and a des i r e t o w o r k wi t h d i v e r se i n t e r e s t s t o b u il d b e tt e r p r o j ec t s a r e c r i t i c a l . H e / she m ust a l s o ha v e e x c e ll e nt w r i t i ng s k il l s a n d be a b l e t o co mm un i ca t e e f f e c t i v e l y w it h l a r g e and d i v e r se g r ou p s. A b il it y t o r espond t o i nq u i r i es or co m p l a i n t s f r om c li e n t s, c o - w o r k e r s, r e g u l a t o r y a g enc i es, or m e m be r s of t he bu s i n ess c o m m un it y, and t o e ff e c t i v e l y p r e s ent i n f o r m a ti on t o c l i e n t s, c o - w o r k e r s, a n d t h e pu b l i c.
- Administrative skills such as preparing scopes of work, cooperative agreements, and contracts, and knowledge of contracting requirements and procedures.
- A b i l it y t o d e f i ne p r o b l e m s, co l l e c t d a t a, es t ab l i sh f a c t s , and d r aw v a li d con c l u s i o ns . A b i l it y t o i n t e r p r e t an ex t e n s i v e v a r i e t y of t ec h n i c al i ns t r u c t i ons i n m a t he m a t i cal o r d i a g r am f o r m and d e al wi t h a b s t r a c t a nd conc r e t e v a ri a b l e s.
- Ability to lead planning teams dealing with cultural resource projects/elements of projects.
- Mu s t be a b l e t o u se M i c r o s o f t Wo r d, Exc e l , O u tl o o k , and P r o j e c t s o ft w a r e.
- T he a b i l it y t o tr a v el and w o r k i n rural and/or r e m o t e a r e a s un d er a dv e r se con d i ti o n s f o r e x t e nd ed p e ri o d s of t i m e i s r eq u ir e d.
P h y s i c al D e m ands T he p hy s i cal d e m ands de s c r i bed h e r e a r e r e p r e s en t a t i v e of t h o se t h at m ust b e m et by an e m p l o y ee t o su c ce s s f u ll y p e rf o r m t he e s se n t i al f un c ti o ns of t h i s j ob. R e a son a b l e a cco m m oda ti o n s m ay be m a de t o e n ab l e i n d i v i du a l s w it h d i sa b i l i t i e s t o pe r f o r m t he e s sen t i a l f u nc t i o n s.
Wh i l e p e r f o r m i ng t he d u t i e s of t h i s po s i t i on, t he e m p l o y ee i s r e g u l a r l y r eq u ir e d t o s it . T he e m p l o y ee i s r eq u ir e d t o t a l k and h e a r . The e m p l o y ee i s r e g u l a rl y r e qu i r ed t o s t an d ; w a l k and u se ha n ds t o f i n g e r , h a nd l e, or f e e l . T he e m p l o y ee m ust occas i on a ll y l i f t an d / or m o v e up t o 50 poun d s. Sp e c i f i c v i s i on a b i l i t i e s r e qu i r ed by t h i s po s i t i on i n c l ude c l ose v i s i on a n d a b i l it y t o a d j u st f ocu s .
O n occa s i on, m ust h a v e t he ab i l i t y t o w o r k at rural and/or r e m o t es s it e s. A b i l i t y t o w a l k and h i k e t h r ou g h r ou g h t e r r a i n , sno w , and i c e ; d i g w it h s h ov el or other hand tools; screen excavated sediments; r o u t i n e l y lif t be t w e e n 30- 5 0 po u nds.
Work E nv i ro n m en t T he w o r k en v ir on m ent ch a r a c t e ri s t i cs d es c ri b ed h e r e a r e r e p r e s en t a t i v e of t hose an e m p l o y ee encou n t e r s w h i l e pe r f o r m i ng t he e s se n t i al f u nc t i ons o f t h i s po s i t i on. R e asona b l e acco mm oda ti ons m a y be m ade t o e na b l e i nd i v i dua l s w it h d i s ab i l it i es t o pe r f o r m t he e sse n t i al f un c t i ons.
T he no i se l e v el i n t he w o r k en v ir on m ent i s us u a l l y m o d e r a t e.
Geographic locations are taken into consideration with respect to compensation.
Equal Opportunity Employer/Protected Veterans/Individuals with Disabilities
The contractor will not discharge or in any other manner discriminate against employees or applicants because they have inquired about, discussed, or disclosed their own pay or the pay of another employee or applicant. However, employees who have access to the compensation information of other employees or applicants as a part of their essential job functions cannot disclose the pay of other employees or applicants to individuals who do not otherwise have access to compensation information, unless the disclosure is (a) in response to a formal complaint or charge, (b) in furtherance of an investigation, proceeding, hearing, or action, including an investigation conducted by the employer, or (c) consistent with the contractor's legal duty to furnish information. 41 CFR 60-1.35(c)
For the past 60 years, DOWL has been recognized as an established, highly reputable, civil engineering firm, recognizing that the foundation of our past, present, and our future is our people. DOWL's foundation is built upon four core values: Inclusion, Integrity, Innovation, and Inspiration. These values are rooted in everything we do. As a valued partner on our engineering team, you will be one of the People Who Make It Happen!
Are you a Subject Matter Expert in the field of Cultural Resources Management (CRM)? Do you have in-depth knowledge of the Pacific Northwest? We are looking for a senior-level Cultural Resources Specialist to work closely with our Cultural Resources Management staff and leadership. This position will help drive and grow DOWL's Cultural Resources Management work by providing expert knowledge and skills to our clients in the Pacific Northwest.
This is a full-time position supporting DOWL's Environmental Sub-Practice Area. This position is supervised and directed by senior-level cultural resources management (CRM) staff and will serve as one of DOWL's Subject Matter Experts in the field of CRM in the region this work will be performed (i.e. Pacific Northwest, Mountain West, Southwest) . The incumbent must have an advanced degree (e.g., M.A., M.S., or Ph.D.) in anthropology, archaeology, CRM, architectural history, or other closely related field and must have specialized training and experience working in CRM and in-depth knowledge of the region where this work will be performed (i.e. Pacific Northwest, Mountain West, Southwest).
This position provides mid- to upper-level cultural resources support to DOWL's internal and external clients, including a full spectrum of proposal writing, research, fieldwork, resource documentation, report preparation, public involvement, and agency and tribal coordination services in the area of environmental documentation as required by the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA).
The position requires a high degree of effective organization and communication skills. Required tasks may include designing, executing, and synthesizing the results of systematic background research and data assembly; conducting cultural resource inventory and documentation (including fieldwork); carrying out or assisting in monitoring, survey, and/or testing of known cultural resource sites; performing lab work and managing field data; producing small- and moderate-scale cultural resource reports; drafting sections or portions for broader CRM or other reporting efforts; assembling lists of tribal nations, stakeholders, and consulting parties; arranging and participating in cultural resources consultation meetings; and preparing correspondence specific to cultural resource investigations and other CRM activities. In addition to the above, tasks may include managing project budgets, schedules, and deliverables, survey crews and their field data, and client interactions. This position is responsible for complex tasks which may be sensitive in nature, requires the use of independent judgment in problem-solving, planning, scheduling and completing assigned projects, and involves the supervision and mentoring of junior staff. A Cultural Resource Specialist 4 should have a progressively responsible 10 plus years track as a CRM professional.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities include the following:
- Assist with Environmental Sub-Practice Area management, including business planning activities, marketing, quality control of documents, coordination of workload amongst staff members, screening of resumes and interviews of candidates, mentoring / supervision of junior level staff, and development of standard operating procedures, templates, etc. Carries out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the organization's policies and applicable laws.
- Participate in and lead multi-faceted cultural resource projects for both public and private sector clients. Carry out hands-on work in the areas of conducting cultural resources research and document review, preliminary assessments, cultural resources planning, and preparation of NEPA and NHPA documentation, and state and federal cultural resources investigation permit applications.
- Coordinate with state and federal resource agencies, clients, staff and other professionals to obtain project information and secure NEPA and NHPA document approvals.
- Excellent communications skills (both verbal and written) are required.
- Schedule, coordinate, and participate in or lead public and agency meetings, including presentations in front of large groups of people.
- Access, research, synthesize, and present data from restricted-access cultural resource databases maintained by state historic preservation offices in the regions where the projects are located. (i.e. Pacific Northwest, Mountain West, Southwest).
- Support client consultation with agencies, tribal nations, and other consulting parties.
- Develop, negotiate, and/or implement Memoranda of Agreement and Programmatic Agreements.
- Maintain organized records of research activities and results, sources, and document versions.
- Research and prepare proposals.
- Prepare and edit reports of on the cultural resource data derived from projects or contribute to larger reports. Excellent writing skills are critical.
- Prepare and route project-related correspondence and record keeping.
- Interact and help to guide other employees, including project AutoCAD drafters, GIS, document production staff, and graphics technicians.
- Organize and lead field studies in support of cultural resources studies, including planning and implementing fieldwork logistics and effectively directing other field staff.
- Assist in preparing scopes of work, budgets, schedules and other project management tasks.
- Consistently exercise discretion and judgment in all work tasks.
- Other duties may be assigned.
Superv i sory R espon s i b i l i t i es
Supe r v i s e s a t eam of C u lt u r al R es o u r c es S pe c i a li s t s ( f r om i n t e r n t o l e v el 3) . R espo n s i b l e f o r t he o v e r a l l d ir e c t i on, coo r d i n a t i on, a n d e v a l ua t i on o f t h i s u n i t . C a r r i es out sup e r v i so r y r e sp ons i b i l i t i e s i n acc o r da n ce w it h t he o r g an i z a t i on ' s po li c i e s and ap p l i ca b l e l a w s. R e spon s i b i l i t i es i n c l ude i n t e rv i e w i n g , h ir i n g , and t r a i n i ng e m p l o y ees; p l an n i n g , a s s i g n i n g , and d ir e c t i ng w o rk ; app r a i s i ng p e rf o r m anc e ; r e w a r d i ng and d i s c i p l i n i ng e m p l o y ees; ad d r e s s i ng co m p l a i n t s and r e s o l v i ng p r o b l e m s.
Q ua li fi c a t i ons
T o b e s u c c ess f ul i n t h i s po s i t i on, an i n d i v i du a l m ust be a b l e t o p e r f o r m each e sse n t i al du t y sa t i s f a c t o r il y . T he r eq u i r e m en t s l i s t ed b e l ow a r e r e p r e s en t a ti v e o f t h e k no w l ed g e, s k ill , and / or a b i l i t y r eq u ir ed . R eason a b l e ac c o m m oda ti o ns m ay be m ade t o en a b l e i nd i v i du a l s wi t h d i s ab i l i t i es t o p e rf o r m t he e s se n ti a l f un c ti o n s.
E duca t i on and / or E x per i e nce
W i l l m eet and ex c eed t h e U S Sec r e t a r y of t he I n t e r i o r ' s P r o f es s i on a l Q u a l i fi c a t i ons S t an d a r d s i n c l ud i n g:
- An advanced degree (e.g., M.A., M.S., or Ph.D.) in anthropology, archaeology, CRM, architectural history, or other closely related field is required.
- If a candidate's advanced degree is in a field other than anthropology, archaeology, CRM, or architectural history, the incumbent must demonstrate ability to contribute subject matter expertise in their field and have qualifying experience as defined below.
- Will have specialized training and experience working in CRM in the Northwest.
- A minimum of t e n y ea r s of p r o g r e s s i v e l y r e s pon s i b l e CRM p r o j ect ex p e r i ence i n c l u d i ng , but not limited to, f i e l d s u r v e ys , s it e t e s t i n g and exca v a t i on, ethnographic research, a r t i f ac t i de n t i f i ca t i on and a na l y s i s, archival r es e a r c h, and r e po r t p r e pa r a t i on.
C er t i f i ca t es, L i ce n ses, R e g i s t ra t i ons
- Successful candidates will have existing access (or will be able to gain access within 30 days after hire) to restricted cultural resources databases maintained by state historic preservation offices.
- Successful candidates will have a valid, existing consultant qualification with the Department of Transportation in the region where this work is performed (i.e., ODOT, WADOT, AKDOT, MDOT, etc.) (or will be able to gain their qualification within 30 days after hire).
- Mu s t ha v e a v a l i d d r i v er ' s l i ce n se a nd a g ood d ri v i ng r eco r d .
Ma t h e m a t i cal S k i l l s
A b i l it y t o a dd, s u b t r a c t , m u l t i p l y , and d i v i de i n a l l un it s of m easu r e, u s i ng w ho l e n u m be r s, co m m on fr a c ti o ns, and d e c i m a l s. A b i l it y t o c r e a t e and i n t e r p r et g r aphs.
Job K n o w l edg e , Sk i l l s a n d A b il i t i es
- Demonstrated professional competency equivalent to the education, training, and experience that includes and exceeds the standards required for DOWL Cultural Resource Specialist I-III positions. Shows ability to design, supervise, and implement multi-phased cultural resource projects.
- K nowledge of federal cultural resource legislation, including the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969; g ene r a l f a m ili a r i t y w it h cultural resource r e g u l a ti ons, and sp e c i a l s t udy a r e a s r e l a t i ng t o archaeology and c u lt u r a l r eso u r c e s, and the Secretary of the Interior's Standards.
- Knowledge of federal, state, local, and tribal policies and guidelines relating to cultural resources identification standards, consultation methods, and other relevant procedures relating to cultural resource management.
- Knowledge of state cultural resource and environmental laws within the Pacific Northwest .
- Experience accessing, querying, synthesizing, and presenting data from restricted-access cultural resource databases maintained by state historic preservation offices.
- Professional-level knowledge in at least one cultural resource subject matter area (including anthropology, archaeology, architectural history, history, etc.) gained through an academic degree program or its equivalent and demonstrated ability to accomplish research and conduct survey and inventory work in the area of the incumbent's discipline specialty.
- Demonstrated ability to work effectively with other cultural resource professionals and specialists, amateur and professional organizations, and to be an effective member of multi-disciplinary team efforts and projects.
- Demonstrated managerial/supervisory experience with cultural resources and demonstrated knowledge of cultural resource management and historic preservation laws and policies.
- Administrative, project review, or supervisory experience in an historic preservation program or office (academic institution, historical organization or agency, museum, consulting firm, or similar professional institution) with an emphasis on and related to material culture, historic properties, or the built environment of the region for this work (i.e., Pacific Northwest, Southwest, or Mountain West).
- Pu b li c i n v o l v e m ent s k il l s and a des i r e t o w o r k wi t h d i v e r se i n t e r e s t s t o b u il d b e tt e r p r o j ec t s a r e c r i t i c a l . H e / she m ust a l s o ha v e e x c e ll e nt w r i t i ng s k il l s a n d be a b l e t o co mm un i ca t e e f f e c t i v e l y w it h l a r g e and d i v e r se g r ou p s. A b il it y t o r espond t o i nq u i r i es or co m p l a i n t s f r om c li e n t s, c o - w o r k e r s, r e g u l a t o r y a g enc i es, or m e m be r s of t he bu s i n ess c o m m un it y, and t o e ff e c t i v e l y p r e s ent i n f o r m a ti on t o c l i e n t s, c o - w o r k e r s, a n d t h e pu b l i c.
- Administrative skills such as preparing scopes of work, cooperative agreements, and contracts, and knowledge of contracting requirements and procedures.
- A b i l it y t o d e f i ne p r o b l e m s, co l l e c t d a t a, es t ab l i sh f a c t s , and d r aw v a li d con c l u s i o ns . A b i l it y t o i n t e r p r e t an ex t e n s i v e v a r i e t y of t ec h n i c al i ns t r u c t i ons i n m a t he m a t i cal o r d i a g r am f o r m and d e al wi t h a b s t r a c t a nd conc r e t e v a ri a b l e s.
- Ability to lead planning teams dealing with cultural resource projects/elements of projects.
- Mu s t be a b l e t o u se M i c r o s o f t Wo r d, Exc e l , O u tl o o k , and P r o j e c t s o ft w a r e.
- T he a b i l it y t o tr a v el and w o r k i n rural and/or r e m o t e a r e a s un d er a dv e r se con d i ti o n s f o r e x t e nd ed p e ri o d s of t i m e i s r eq u ir e d.
P h y s i c al D e m ands T he p hy s i cal d e m ands de s c r i bed h e r e a r e r e p r e s en t a t i v e of t h o se t h at m ust b e m et by an e m p l o y ee t o su c ce s s f u ll y p e rf o r m t he e s se n t i al f un c ti o ns of t h i s j ob. R e a son a b l e a cco m m oda ti o n s m ay be m a de t o e n ab l e i n d i v i du a l s w it h d i sa b i l i t i e s t o pe r f o r m t he e s sen t i a l f u nc t i o n s.
Wh i l e p e r f o r m i ng t he d u t i e s of t h i s po s i t i on, t he e m p l o y ee i s r e g u l a r l y r eq u ir e d t o s it . T he e m p l o y ee i s r eq u ir e d t o t a l k and h e a r . The e m p l o y ee i s r e g u l a rl y r e qu i r ed t o s t an d ; w a l k and u se ha n ds t o f i n g e r , h a nd l e, or f e e l . T he e m p l o y ee m ust occas i on a ll y l i f t an d / or m o v e up t o 50 poun d s. Sp e c i f i c v i s i on a b i l i t i e s r e qu i r ed by t h i s po s i t i on i n c l ude c l ose v i s i on a n d a b i l it y t o a d j u st f ocu s .
O n occa s i on, m ust h a v e t he ab i l i t y t o w o r k at rural and/or r e m o t es s it e s. A b i l i t y t o w a l k and h i k e t h r ou g h r ou g h t e r r a i n , sno w , and i c e ; d i g w it h s h ov el or other hand tools; screen excavated sediments; r o u t i n e l y lif t be t w e e n 30- 5 0 po u nds.
Work E nv i ro n m en t T he w o r k en v ir on m ent ch a r a c t e ri s t i cs d es c ri b ed h e r e a r e r e p r e s en t a t i v e of t hose an e m p l o y ee encou n t e r s w h i l e pe r f o r m i ng t he e s se n t i al f u nc t i ons o f t h i s po s i t i on. R e asona b l e acco mm oda ti ons m a y be m ade t o e na b l e i nd i v i dua l s w it h d i s ab i l it i es t o pe r f o r m t he e sse n t i al f un c t i ons.
T he no i se l e v el i n t he w o r k en v ir on m ent i s us u a l l y m o d e r a t e.
Geographic locations are taken into consideration with respect to compensation.
Equal Opportunity Employer/Protected Veterans/Individuals with Disabilities
The contractor will not discharge or in any other manner discriminate against employees or applicants because they have inquired about, discussed, or disclosed their own pay or the pay of another employee or applicant. However, employees who have access to the compensation information of other employees or applicants as a part of their essential job functions cannot disclose the pay of other employees or applicants to individuals who do not otherwise have access to compensation information, unless the disclosure is (a) in response to a formal complaint or charge, (b) in furtherance of an investigation, proceeding, hearing, or action, including an investigation conducted by the employer, or (c) consistent with the contractor's legal duty to furnish information. 41 CFR 60-1.35(c)
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